CropLife Latin America

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July 2024

The Code of Conduct, governed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), is a voluntary instrument that covers the entire life cycle of pesticides, from research and development, manufacturing and use, to safe disposal and waste management. It outlines the responsibilities of all stakeholders throughout these processes. Adherence to the principles of the Code of Conduct is a condition for membership in CropLife International, reflecting its centrality to the industry and the organization.

The six companies associated with CropLife International renewed and reaffirmed their commitment to the principles and standards of the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management with a public statement last June.

The commitments undertaken by CropLife International members are:

  • Maintaining the objectives and standards enshrined in the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management
  • Supporting access to safe and affordable food, a clean and healthy environment, and safe working conditions through adherence to and promotion of the Code
  • Striving to reflect and promote sustainable outcomes in agronomic practices, balancing the imperatives of biodiversity, productivity, and climate
  • Incorporating a life cycle approach through Responsible Pesticide Management, from research and development, manufacturing and use, to safe disposal and waste management
  • Supporting farmers in their efforts to produce more food on less land sustainably by providing guidance, training, and promoting practices that ensure the responsible and effective use of pesticides
  • Calling on all stakeholders to equally maintain and promote the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management, recognizing the need for cooperative efforts among government and regulatory bodies, the pesticide industry, international organizations, traders, the food industry, product users, and public interest groups.

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Balancing the imperatives of biodiversity, productivity, and climate is central to our shared purpose. The crop science industry plays a crucial role in this, supporting farmers in their efforts to produce more food on less land sustainably. This is a responsibility that lies at the very core of our businesses, stated CropLife International Board Chairman, Livio Tedeschi of BASF.

From Latin America, we continue to work to ensure that the principles of the FAO's International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management are maintained and applied to reality. It is essential that all manufacturers, marketers, authorities, farmers, and all parties involved in the agricultural chain join this commitment so that together we can advance towards greater agricultural sustainability, emphasized José Perdomo, President of CropLife Latin America.