CropLife Latin America

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Presented by: Agr. Ing. Jorgelina Lezaun 
Agribusiness & Marketing Consultant 


October 2024

The application consists of placing a phytosanitary product on the target at a given dose.

The target may be the soil, plants that need to be eliminated, or the crops themselves that need to be protected from pests and diseases.

The alternatives for applying phytosanitary products are:

  1. Fumigation: is the application of a gas (e.g. methyl bromide) used to “disinfect” soils in intensive crop seedbeds. It is also used for liquid formulations, and when in contact with moisture it produces the release of a gas. In both cases the soil is covered to achieve greater persistence of the product. It is also used for stored grains.
  1. Wide spectrum of control (including insects, fungi, weeds and nematodes)
  1. High toxicity to humans.
  1. Gran espectro de control (incluye a insectos, hongos, malezas y nematodos)
  1. Alta toxicidad para el hombre
  1. Dusting is the application of products in powder form. It is practically not used in extensive agriculture due to the difficulties in achieving homogeneous distribution.
  2. Nebulization: generation of very small droplets (15 to 25 microns) so that they remain suspended in the air (e.g. mosquito control). Not used in extensive agriculture.
  3.  Injection: application of a liquid to the soil using injectors. (e.g. ant control)
  4.  Contact application systems: using rope devices that are soaked in the product (a herbicide) that wets the weeds without touching the crop. They have fallen into disuse due to the efficiency of early application herbicides.
  5.  Spraying: This is the most widely used system because it is the most practical and efficient. The process consists of dividing the spray mixture, through a mechanical process, into millions of drops that are placed on the crop, according to an appropriate application technique.

Good practices for the application of phytosanitary products

The most common method of application is spraying, which consists of dispersing drops of the product so that they can settle on the object of treatment. The product is prepared dissolved or mixed with water (or oil) or unmixed, and is applied to the target in the form of a mist or cloud, formed by drops of liquid, which contain the active ingredient.

Having a product with a good formulation quality, mixed correctly and applied at the appropriate time and under the appropriate conditions, protecting people and the environment from risks, ensures effective treatment and safe application.

Phytosanitary products present risks that are diverse and difficult to control at the time of application. It is important to follow the recommendations of a professional regarding dosage, equipment, timing and precautions.

Good practices must be part of every stage of the process, from decision-making and product selection, transportation, storage, mixing, loading and application to the management of surplus and empty containers.

Good practices in the use of phytosanitary products

Set of actions aimed at changing habits with the aim of using phytosanitary products responsibly and efficiently, within the framework of sustainable production, protecting people and the environment.


Before Application

• Decision making
• Purchase
• Transport
• Storage

During Application

• Mix and load
• Application

After Application

• washing - decontamination
• Handle empty containers



Always read the label to::
  1. Know the safety precautions to follow
  2. Determine what equipment and materials are required (measuring jugs, funnels, stirrers, and protective clothing)
  3. Determine the correct doses and dilutions
  4. Check the compatibility instructions with other products
  5. Check the waiting period
  6. Check re-entry time
  7. Find out about toxicity to people, animals, birds, fish and bees
  8. See emergency phone numbers


The preparation, mixing of products and loading of application equipment must be carried out with special care since products that have not been mixed are generally in a more concentrated form (greater toxicity).

Site selection for mixing and loading:
  1. If you are going to work in an enclosed area, ensure ventilation and lighting
  2. Avoid mixing pesticides near water sources
  3. Where possible, water should be carried to where the spray equipment is
    1. instead of taking the equipment to the water supply source
  4. Pay due attention to the filling process to avoid spills.
  5. Keep a container of clean water nearby for emergencies.

It is advisable to have a specific site for the preparation of the mixture and the loading, which is practical and functional, and which guarantees safety protection for the operator and the environment. This site may or may not be covered and must have a floor at least in the sprayer filling area with the capacity to retain occasional spills.

Suggested link  Steps to make a mixture (spanish)

Safe mixing and loading practices:
  1. Mix the product immediately before application
  2. Accurately measure the required quantity. Use appropriate weighing, measuring and mixing equipment for that exclusive use
  3. Never use your hands, even if you wear gloves, to mix or shake pesticide mixtures
  4. Always use clean water
  5. Never vacuum products or mixtures using hoses or any other utensil
  6. Rinse empty containers three times (triple wash)
  7. Never use water courses to directly supply the sprayer tank
  8. Never mix, load or clean equipment near watercourses, wells or ditches
  9. Clean up any spilled pesticide immediately. If pesticides have been spilled on people, remove contaminated clothing and wash
  10. Close the container of the phytosanitary product immediately after removing the amount to be used


Suggested videos:
Triple Washing of Containers
How to perform triple rising
Suggested link: 
Formulaciones de productos para la protección de cultivos, fitosanitarios o plaguicidas

Curso Manejo Responsable de Envases Vacíos de Productos para la Protección de Cultivos, CAMPOLIMPIO

Yo sí leo las etiquetas y las hojas de seguridad de los plaguicidas o fitosanitarios

Manejo Integrado de Plagas: Enfoque de responsabilidad en la producción 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment must be used to minimize the risks of poisoning or damage associated with the use of pesticides.

PPE is a necessary and fundamental aspect to reduce the risk of working with phytosanitary products. The type of protective equipment to be used depends on the activity to be carried out (transport, storage, preparation of the mixture, application, among others) and the type of product to be applied.

3 por su salud eng

The equipment selection will be indicated on the label or buuklet. In addition, they can be consulted in the “Exposure Control or Personal Protection” section of the safety data sheet.

The information provided by the manufacturer or distributor of these items indicates their useful life so that you know when they should be discarded and replaced.

Suggested video:

Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protecting Equipment PPE
  • org/en/news/ristóbal/i-do-read-labels-and-safety-sheets-of-phytosanitary-products​
  • Inta-Good Practices for the application of phytosanitary products / Brambilla V. Gómez Hermida M. Bogliani
  • World Health Organization (WHO) 1992 – Health consequences of the use of pesticides in agriculture. Geneva. Switzerland – 128 pp.
  • SENASA Argentina Applicators Manual
  • INTA Efficient application of phytosanitary products
  • FAO Manual on the preparation of pesticides
  • CASAFE Manual for Responsible Use of Phytosanitary Products 2020
  • INTA Pergamino Pesticide formulation Agr. Eng. Pedro Daniel LEIVA Nov 2013
  • INTA Pergamino Tank Mixtures and Compatibility Tests Agr. Eng. Pedro Daniel LEIVA
  • University of Comahue Argentina Formulations Prof.HU Gentile
  • Formulations and mixtures of phytosanitary products in agricultural risk ristobal colon auria chemical engineer iqs
  • Chacra Magazine Note 10787 Mixture of phytosanitary products
  • Bulletin of Disclosure N°41 ISSN 0328-3380 Guide for the proper use of pesticides and the correct disposal of their containers Agr. Eng. Fanny Martens INTA - Rural Extension Agency Tandil
  • Water quality and mixtures of phytosanitary products 2015 Agr. Eng. (M.Sc .) Juan P. Renzi