CropLife Latin America

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 June 2024

These are pilot projects with a comprehensive approach to accelerate the transition towards the sustainable use of pesticides, agrochemicals, or phytosanitary products, with an emphasis on risk assessment, the implementation of appropriate mitigation programs, the promotion of more sustainable agricultural practices, and the encouragement of greater innovation in agriculture, says José Perdomo, President of CropLife Latin America.

The two ongoing projects in Latin America began to be implemented in March 2024 by Agrequima in Guatemala and AFIPA in Chile, with the support of CropLife Latin America and CropLife International.

Similar projects are being developed in Africa (Kenya, Morocco, and Egypt) and Asia (Thailand and Vietnam). Globally, the projects are known as the Sustainable Pesticide Management Framework, SPMF, by their English acronym. You can visit the CropLife International SPMF site here

In the case of Guatemala, the project aims to promote new technologies through  the implementation of demonstration plots and regional Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) tables. As part of the commitment to adopting new tools for farmers, Agrequima will hold the international forum, "Biologicals: A Technology That Adds Up," on June 26.

Chile has a huge opportunity to boost Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plans in smallholder agriculture (Agricultura Familiar Campesina, AFC) production; therefore, the project focuses on this objective. With support for fruit and vegetable producers, the adoption of better agricultural practices such as the planting of gardens or corridors for pollinators, proper storage of agricultural inputs, and the use of traps as part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has been encouraged.

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The two projects include activities to position risk assessment as a key tool for accessing agricultural technologies, advancing local regulations, and demonstrating the industry's long-term commitment to agricultural sustainability. This is why the SPMF in Latin America is called "Sustainable Agriculture in Action," reiterates José Perdomo.