CropLife Latin America

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May 2024

IICA – CropLife Latin America Renew Alliance to Advance Agricultural Sustainability

Promoting the transfer of agro-technologies and good agricultural practices is a daily task that gains momentum as more organizations join this effort. For this reason, we enthusiastically renew this cooperation agreement with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). The agreement allows us to foster productivity and agricultural sustainability through the adoption of new technologies, assures José Perdomo, President of CropLife Latin America.

With the signing of this agreement, we mark 17 years of cooperation between the two entities. We are united by our understanding of Latin America and our passion for promoting innovation and the correct use of agro-technologies for the benefit of sustainability, added Manuel Otero, Director of IICA.

The agreement will enable the two entities to promote regenerative agriculture, with better use of resources, and strengthen the capacity to face the challenges of sustainability and healthy food production. Climate change, underdeveloped rural areas, and trade barriers are limitations that require joint work in the coming years to drive change.

The agreement was signed on May 7 at the IICA headquarters in Costa Rica.

Firma Convenio IICA t CropLife Latin America